Monday, January 18, 2021

Tensions equals opportunity

What do we do when we feel the tensions building from within...

Do we look to allow space for understanding, connection, and compassion?

Or do we let the reactions take us over, to lead us down that twisted path of over-reaction where, if you're like me, you're later post-event processing all the things you wish you would've said or done differently...

My goal is to not have these post-event processing regrets sessions and actually be able to bring my authentic responses in those challenging times. 

I've learned that when I'm able to have more understanding and compassion in those times, I'm then able to better see my reactions arising.  And also, allowing for me to have a better connection with the other person, even through the building tensions. 

Those moments of tension are really moments of opportunity, for ourselves, and the others, where we can learn many lessons and have those deep felt life moments.

"We're all just walking each other home" - Ram Dass

Cheers to getting better each day at taking steps with each other!

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