Friday, July 22, 2011

Enjoying the Moment

So far so good as far as sticking to my blogging schedule. The schedule definitely helps me out. I’m sure once I consistently follow the schedule that I set writing in my blog will become even easier.

Originally I was going to examine a topic which I have seen many people comment about recently, Planking. But after further thought, I will delay my opinion on it and possibly not even write about it at all.

One thing that I focus on daily is living in the moment. I finished an amazing book a few months ago called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (Find it here)and reading that book changed me in many ways. I now focus more on living in the moment and enjoying the time that I am given. I’ve observed so many people, even myself at times, focusing on past decision good or bad and worrying about what may or may not happen in the future. These thoughts take us to a point where we forget to take advantage of now and we can become obsessed with reliving past moments to the point where we subconsciously take ourselves from the present to the past.

“No use thinking of the past for its gone, don't think of the future because it has to come, think of the present because that’s where you are.”

If we allow ourselves to step outside of the box which we place ourselves in, we will realize that no moment is more important than now. The actions and thoughts that we have now shape our path that we will travel in the future. But, you cannot live in the future now for it is not here. You can only live in the moment and it is our choice to take advantage this moment or let it go to waste never being able to have that exact moment in time again.

I am still working daily at becoming better at living in the moment. It takes practice. But, I am learning more and more that the past has happen and there is nothing I can do about it. But, what I can do is enjoy my coffee that I am having this morning and enjoy typing my thoughts to share with others. What happens next? Who knows…but I will remain present and focus on now not the things that happen before and hope for more moments in the future.


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