Friday, January 1, 2010

Up Early…

Happy New Year to all my family, friends, associates, etc. I woke up early this morning elated to be allowed to see another day, stand up tall, and breathe the fresh air as I took my morning walk. What’s on my plate for 2010…I don’t know. As I said in a recent status, one thing that has continued to slap me in the face during my life is expect the unexpected. There are many things that I would love to experience or see happen during this next year and I will do whats necessary to achieve those things, but life happens and I will have to maneuver accordingly.

So I am not going to list out the things that I want to experience but I will say that I will continue to break the mold. I am never surprised by my achievements because I know that I am capable of great things. I must continue to strive for greatness to achieve the things in life that many people are not willing to work for. Life is short, we only get one chance. Why waste it???

So Live, Love, and Laugh…

On another note…the tattoo is getting color (finished) on Saturday. Pictures will come shortly after.


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