Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting it done...

It has been an interesting year for me. A lot of changes in my life and I have reflected on a lot of these things recently. I’m happy with some, not so happy/satisfied with others. But that’s life. I’m glad that I started back reading. Television is really getting old. It’s so redundant and filled with a lot of negative garbage. I understand that it is entertainment, but sometimes it goes a little far for me. I have a few shows that I watch, but only a FEW. I just finished The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho which was a very good book, it made me think about my life and what I am pursuing. I definitely recommend it. Now I am reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and it seems good also. I feel much better after reading for an hour and learning something than sitting in front of the tube like a zombie LOL.

So what is in store this year…I’m not sure. I have some plans and I will be making changes to pursue those plans. But I also expect life to happen and when it does I will make moves accordingly. I definitely will travel this year and explore Tampa and Florida more. I’ll also get back to golfing because I enjoying that A LOT, although it is extremely frustrating at times LOL. Other than that…I’m glad that I woke up today healthy with the ability to enjoy this life another day.

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