Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2009 coming to an end....

Well well well. Taking care of business at work. Passed my review. That was a relief. Now once I pass the next one, I get my next promotion. Moving on up as some people would say. Now that is my job. What about my life. Many things good, many things ok, and some things that need work/change. I posted a status a while ago which ask the question:

Why do we work hard at our jobs but not in our lives….

This caused me to think about myself a lot. What am I doing in my personal life that I value. What am I doing that I feel is improving myself or others around me. I feel fortunate to have experienced many of the things I have and to be in the position that I am. But there is still a sense of improvement that I have.

There are still questions that I feel like I have yet to answer for myself. There is still a level that I am wanting to reach for relationships. There are still goals that I am striving for and there are things that I feel I need to devote more time too as far as improving Freddie.

So I need to refocus my attention on these things that will improve me and the things and/or people that I value. This is what I will do and will implement from now on.

On another note….getting Inked starting Monday. First sitting of two. Can’t wait.


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