Friday, September 19, 2008

Stop being lazy Freddie!!!!!

It has been a few months since I have written in my blog. It has been a hectic couple of months and I have had many thoughts that have crossed my mind that I would have liked to blog about. Many of these thoughts are controversial and I have yet to decide whether or not I would like to blog about them. Other thoughts are updates and events of everyday experiences that I have had. I guess that I have really just been lazy and have not taken the time to write these thoughts down. I am going to make more of an effort to blog and share my thoughts with whoever would like to read them. I hope they make as much sense to you as they sometimes do to me.

On another note, I am getting back to reading. I am going to make more of an effort at that also. I feel like I need to take advantage of the information and opinions that I may learn from books and other writings. I have so many interests that I am hungry for information about and I need to feed that hunger. So reading is back to being a PRIORITY.

Last note, I would like to thank someone for making me a stronger person. I wouldn’t be the person today without experiencing the events that happen between us. Learning from our relationship has made me stronger, wiser, and I believe that I have an even greater understanding about what it takes to have GREAT relationships. I hope that one day you will also learn as I have. Thank you again.

Live, Love, Cherish, Respect, and most of all have fun EVERYDAY.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that you're getting back into reading. That places you in yet another minority group in America!

I hope you're reading FIGHT CLUB!!!


Fred said...

Yes I started reading Fight Club. I have been terrible at reading so my bad on having your book for so long.