Thursday, December 24, 2020

Take a breath Papa

 "I think you should take a breath Papa".

This is what Wren say's to me during an tense moment between us.  Me wanting Wren to listen to my instruction, I believe during dinner time, and her wanting to decide for herself what she wants to do.  

She has been tip toeing this line between what she know's she's supposed to do, but also exploring the boundaries of possibility as well.  This period has been quite the challenge to parent mindfully.

"I think you should take a deep breath", is what I said in return.  It was truly the best I could do at the time, which looking back at it now, was a decent response.  Other than the tone I used in delivering the message.  But, this parenting this is a practice, right?

I believe it is, as with many things.  Practicing a little bit, here and there, slowly taking those steps towards where we'd like to be.  These steps not always necessarily being forward, some are sideways, kiddy corner, backwards, hops, skips, etc.

I think the point is to keep moving. No matter the speed or direction, just keep moving. Towards those self improvements we want to make. Just go.

Stay committed to the practice of self improvement, even in those moments when we feel like we didn't respond the best to a situation, or in hindsight wishing that we'd responded differently, or better.  We have to know that its all apart of the practice and know that the more that we show up willing to do the work to improve, the more we will be moving towards those places where we'd like to be.

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