Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Beginning

I have decided to start “blogging” since I am such a deep thinker (which I have heard from many people) and sometimes I feel like I just need to get things off of my chest. There are so many things that I encounter on a daily basis, which could decrease soon (we’ll get to that later), that I feel like I should write about them instead of thinking about them all day.

Today was, I guess you can call it, a typical day. Wake up and hit my snooze hoping that an extra 15 minutes of sleep will really make a difference. Mosey over to my computer check my email. Then proceed to wake up in the shower. Next I eat my fiberone bar (mmmmm) for a quick breakfast, and then it is off to my hour commute too work (can’t wait until I don’t have to do this anymore). I see the usual “DC commuters” at the train station and my people watching begins. Sometime it is funny to me how we all look like zombies while we wait for the train and how we look so “excited” to ride this wonderful train to work. Anyway, the train arrives on time, which is always nice, and I proceed to seat down in one of my usual seats (everyone has one). Now I focus on not falling in too deep of a sleep and missing my stop (which I have done before, I still laugh at myself about that).

Today on the train my thoughts seemed to be centered on the move I will be making soon to Lansing. I will conduct my same job, just at my house in Lansing. Very nice, I know. But I will still have to travel to Virginia 1 hour every week in order to fulfill requirements of the work at home program. I will however be able to see my family on a regular basis and spend more time with the special person in my life. I will be moving in about two weeks and it feels like I have so much to do. I have to start packing and throwing away crap that I don’t need anymore. I have to buy a desk for my office at the new place in Lansing, a sofa for the living room, tables, lights, etc. I don’t mind buying all of this, but sometimes I think I should just live like I live in college and throw a bunch crap together and call it “furniture”. Anyway, I am looking forward to the move, but not looking forward to the things that have to be done. I just wish I could flick a switch and be settled in Lansing.

It will all be worth it once I am around the family routinely and seeing more of that beautiful smile that brightens my day.


Anonymous said...

Dude! Good to see you're blogging. It's a blast and you can get really introspective with things once you get rolling.

And congrats on the big move. It should be another interesting chapter in this thing we call life.

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh. Freddie's thoughts on the internet ... this could be groundbreaking, or dangerous! ;)

Fred said...

Thanks for reading guys. Hopefully my thoughts don't get mixed from my mind to the keyboard.