Monday, August 22, 2011

Traditionally Non-Traditional

One of the things I pride myself on is being traditionally non-traditional. As I have gotten older I’ve developed a habit of asking the question “why?” when it comes to traditions that I was taught growing up and many other things that I was taught as a child. Upon looking into these things further, I began to find out that a lot of traditions that we have and a lot of the things that we accept don’t make much sense. I could list many things but I won’t. What this has taught me is not to accept something just because I am told this is how it is or this is tradition, etc. I am an extremely logical person and things are very difficult to accept if they don’t make sense to me. I feel like people would be better off in many ways if they stopped and asked why more often in their lives. Do your own research. Don’t accept things just because one person told you this is how it happened or this is what we do. You may find that things were/are quite different if you look into things yourself and you may have a different opinion than the person whom fed you the information originally.



Dru Parries said...

We want the list!! :)

I'll add one...marriage!? lol

Fred said...

LOL...I'll probably have to write about things on the list individually in order to explain my position on each of them.

Marriage...Maybe. At least the traditional process of marriage is on the list.